Wednesday 17 July 2019

Announcing Baby Bettie #2!

George is going to be a big brother in January!

First images of Baby Bettie #2, at 12 weeks and 4 days:

George is very excited to be a big brother!

He's been asking some great questions--we've told him how big the baby is and where the baby is, roughly, but the other day he pointed to my thigh and said "Is the baby's leg in there?" I love that concept of anatomy!

He's been talking and singing to the baby occasionally--at the end of the video when he's turned away, he says "I'm singing to the baby". So sweet!

We're so excited to finally be able to announce the pending arrival of Baby Bettie #2! We'd been hoping for another baby since last autumn, and I got my positive test on the U.S. Mothers' Day, May 12th--so appropriate! We're thrilled and can't wait to meet him or her! Baby is due 16 January 2020, but I'm assuming it will arrive late (Richard's more optimistic and thinks it will arrive a little early). George's due date was also the 16th and didn't arrive until the 26th--hopefully this one will be more punctual!

I'm 14 weeks tomorrow, so heading into the 2nd trimester--it's been different from last time so far. I'm not as tired (or maybe the fatigue is just as bad as last time, but I'm more used to being tired?) and generally not as nauseated as I was last time. I've been being careful to eat lots of snacks throughout the day, as I feel sick when I'm hungry. Last time it was Belvita breakfast biscuits (very portable!), but this time I've been loving fruit and Alpro yogurt. Some things have been the same--Biscuit is very friendly once again (yay!) and I've been craving Mexican and American food. We've had BBQ veggie burgers, sweet potato fries, watermelon, lots of tacos and quesadillas, and George's favourite, corn-on-the-cob. For 4th of July, I found root beer and we made floats--it was fabulous! I've been trying to eat healthily and stay active, however (swimming once a week at work, walking to and from work, etc.) and so far I haven't actually gained any weight. Last time, I wasn't active (1-2 hour naps every day...I wish!) or even working during the first trimester, I gave into cravings more often, and I put on about 8 pounds, so that's another difference this time around! 

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