Wednesday, 14 January 2015

18 Weeks Pregnant

I'm in my second week of archive research--only two more days, and then I'll be heading back up to Minnesota for a few days before flying home to Leeds. My research has been going really well. I've managed to get through all of the material that I needed for my book revisions and now I've got time to cover 'bonus' material, like binational commission meeting minutes for my country case studies.

It's been lonely to be here on my own, though. I'm in the basement of the library from 8am-5pm every day and the rest of the time, I'm in my hotel room. Facebook and phone calls have helped, but I'm looking forward to heading out on Saturday.

I have been enjoying the Southern food, of course--Cracker Barrel, Popeye's, Braum's, etc. In the interest of Baby Bettie, however, I try not to overindulge. My room has a kitchenette, so I make a healthy breakfast & a healthy dinner every day. Makes me feel less guilty about the other treats!

Every other day or so, I've been feeling the baby move. It's so crazy! For some reason, though, it only seems to happen when I'm in the car. It must be something about the seat position--either that, or the baby is a little petrol head!

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