Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Honeymoon: Highway 1 from Santa Cruz to LA

We stopped off for lunch in Seaside, and saw that Broadway has been renamed :) Also, it's worth noting that we didn't see a single Romney bumper sticker or t-shirt or anything the entire time we were in the US.  We actually saw a homeless guy in San Francisco with a sign that said "Give me cash or I'll vote for Romney"!

The views here just seem unreal!

We had to stop and take the scenery in--it's just so gorgeous

We ran into roadwork--they're building this bridge, and the way it juts out from the cliff, I have no idea how cars went through here before the bridge...

It's like something out of Sunset magazine

We started to run short on time, so at San Luis Obispo we switched over from 1 to 101 and managed to make it to LA at around 11pm

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