Thursday, 14 November 2019

28-30 weeks

Just like that, we're in the third trimester and November is already half over! These pics are more like 29 and 31 weeks, as I've been falling behind in both the blog and the pics--but we had our family portraits done at 28 weeks, so there's a good visual record of that 2nd/3rd trimester moment. My belly is feeling very big these days, though I know it's only going to get crazier from now on. I started using my maternity pillow again at around 28 weeks and it's fabulous--very comfortable and supportive, and it really helps me fall asleep. The heartburn has been getting even worse lately, and I've had to start carrying Rennies (like Rolaids/Tums) in my bag.
We've been so busy working on the new house, and I'm hoping next week we'll be able to start decorating the baby's room. I've bought a few outfits here and there, but it's not like last time--I feel very behind on my prep! I think a lot of the fun nesting stuff is going to happen over Christmas break, when I'll be 37+ weeks. For now, we just need to get the bathroom, carpets and decorating sorted so we can move in!