Sunday, 16 March 2014

Temple Newsam

Biscuit's getting so big! She's looking more cat-like every day...

It's lambing season at Temple Newsam! These two were four days old

These two were born this morning!

I love how their little tails wag when they nurse

This one was very shy and wouldn't let us pet it, but it was so cute!

The smaller numbers mean they're older--hence why 29 here was friendlier than little 43 was :)

Twins! These two were both very friendly and let us pet them

This one climbed onto its mother for a nap--so cute!

They had a few calves at the farm, too

This one was very new!

We went around the Great Barn this time--we hadn't been inside before, but it was amazing. It's the oldest part of the farm, and dates back to 1698!

Tuesday, 4 March 2014


Biscuit's been a great little study buddy as I finish writing up

On Sunday we went out to Whitby after church

The weather wasn't brilliant, but it's as good as it gets in March

Since it was too cold for ice cream on the waterfront, we went to this ice cream parlour/tea room, Teare Woods

It was fabulous--they make the ice cream there and it was really good. I had peanut butter and Richard had licorice & blackcurrant. The kitschy decor was great, there was a James Herriot's Yorkshire in amongst the books for browsing, and they were playing a Bob Dylan greatest hits album, too--ice cream, James Herriot and Bob Dylan! I was thrilled! It could only have been improved by having kittens running around...

I took a picture so we'd remember to go back next time :)